Monday, January 11, 2010

Belgium Battlefields

Yesterday we went to belgium on a battlefields trip, was really fun. I sat next to hayley aspland on the ride there was soo fun. Took loads of pictures and got on the ferry. Saw some really fit boys and then arrived in belgium. Looked at some cemetraries, went in the trenches of first and second world war, looked at an important statue where you pay your respects. stayed on the coach until arriving at mening gate, it was beautiful. Forgot to mention my digital camera's battery ran out before I got a chance to take pictures of the trip other than the coach ride lool annoying! Me, Emma, Lily, Kaylea, and others went into chocolate shop and bought some nice belgium chocolates and then went to eat some fish n chips, Mrs collinson so kindly gave us some money to spend in there. YAY XD. Then the 8pm service where our schools and others went up to lay down poppy reefs and trumpets played. Making our way home on the coach to the ferry and having a great time with boys and in arcades there, I even got to wear this boys n-dubz hat and spoke to some manchester boys from at the top of the deck. Some boys clapped us on the dance machine and watched us race and was following us around the ferry. Jewy, Blondie XD, Dyl and the other boys in these special made jumpers was soo funny, following those neeks! They all thought we was londoners lool, we was like err no we are from kent!

Then we had the journey on the coach back where I fell asleep listening to my Ipod nano chronomatic and then woke up in time just before we arrived. Found out some great news about anna regelous, she opened her eyes and started talking. YAYY, please get better soon anna! Love Yhooo x

When I got home I slept until 2pm the next morning and now I am writing about it and excercising on wii fit. That was a great day!

Posted by puresleepingbeauty

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